How to Open a Laptop.
How to Open Laptop has total 26 steps. I epilogue here steps 17 to 26 for how to Disassemble laptop. How to separate all notebook hardware and take apart notebook all hardware component. You can learn How to replace Modem card, how to replace system board and how to replace video card fan. You can replace gaming graphics card and steps for how to replace CPU processor. These tactics useful for laptop troubleshooting for Lenovo, HP Hewlett Packard, Dell, Google laptop, Apple, Asus, Acer Allview gamebook, gigabyte, LG, Nokia, Optima and MSI Micro Star International.
Continue How to Open Laptop to separate all hardware.
STEP 17 How to replace Notebook Modem card.
Modem card is still connected to the system board with screws securing the modem card. If you want you can remove modem card. It is advisable to separate modem card. steps completed for how to replace modem card.
STEP 18 How to replace Optical drive holder.
Remove the screw securing the optical drive holder.The screw is hidden under the black tape. Take out optical driver holder. You can also replace optical drive using this steps.
Remove the optical drive holder. This is essential steps for how to replace optical drive holder. Now a days optical drive is less used hardware But you can change optical drive following procedure.
STEP 20 How to replace PC card connector.
Remove four screws securing the card bus connector (PC card connector). Remove four screws to replace PC card connector. for system board replacement you need to remove PC card connector.
STEP 21 How to replace CPU processor.
Turn the system board right side up. This is requisite steps for CPU replacement.
Carefully remove the card bus connector.
Unlock the CPU and lift it off the system board. CPU is locked on system board. Lift up thin pin to unlock CPU for replacement. This is integral steps to replace system board. This terminus steps for how to replace CPU Processor.
STEP 23 How to replace Gaming video chip card.
Turn the system board upside down.
Remove two screws securing the video chip fan.
Remove the fan cable on the system board.
Remove the video chip fan. You will find gaming graphics card on laptop. You can get many gaming laptop of high configuration. You can replace graphics card.
STEP 25 Replace system board.
Hay great techie guy, you have done it. This summit how to open a laptop and separate all hardware of laptop. This helps you in notebook repairs and to replace notebook hardware.
Follow the steps in reverse direction completes you about how to assemble laptop.