Notebook Screen Troubleshooting

Notebook Laptop Screen Troubleshooting.

Notebook screen troubleshooting involve how to troubleshooting notebook video fail. It also guide about how to repair notebook LCD working when laptop start but it has red color tone. How to fix notebook screen flickers. Read Laptop LCD Repair web page before this laptop video fails in a little bit different way. In this case the back-light lamp hasn’t failed completely. Another LCD screen video problem is backlight lamp working, but in faulty way. This can fix screen problem of Lenovo, HP Hewlett Packard, Dell, Google Pixelbook, Apple, Asus, Acer Allview gamebook, gigabyte, LG, Nokia, Optima and MSI Micro Star International.

Notebook screen troubleshooting has following important hardware troubleshoting.

1. LCD circuit board,

2. LCD inverter board,

3. LCD backlight board.

4. LCD power circuit board. 

5. Tiny component like resistance, capacitor, semiconductor. 

Check all above hardware as per screen display LCD diagram and pinout. You can repair notebook screen become red or blue. It can troubleshoot lines on LCD screen display. Mostly you will see horizontal lines on screen. Sometimes there are vertical line of death on screen.

How to troubleshoot notebook LCD,Inverter Board and Back light.

This also provide steps to troubleshoot buzzing noise from backlight and inverter board of notebook. It can repair LCD inverter board. You need to check inverter board connection, input voltage to LCD inverter board, output voltage of inverter board. To troubleshoot notebook LCD inverter, follow circuit diagram and pinout of PCB Printed Circuit Board. Make sure all resistance, capacitor, triode, diode and circuit board are as per standard. You need to use color code to find value of resistance and other electronics component.

Notebook Repair Screen

How to troubleshoot laptop LCD working but red color tone.

 Laptop LCD is working initially when laptop start, but it has reddish tone and screen flickers. It makes buzzing noise from backlight and inverter board and after sometime backlight turns off automatically and no buzzling sound. Finally image on screen is visible but very very dark. You can fix laptop LCD display very dark image. You can use this steps to repair laptop LCD screen become red or blue.

Notebook Lcd Display Troubleshooting

In this screen problem, first check LCD with working backlight lamp. I am sure there must be problem with backlight lamp. Also check LCD driver board, inverter voltage and LCD backlight voltage.

How to Rectify Notebook Screen Problem

How to troubleshoot notebook screen display become blue.

Check following component of LCD and replace it if needed.

1) blue light filter or notebook screen, 

2) check display screen cable and refix display cable, 

3) clean connection point of display cable, 

4) remove and twist in notebook screen cable. You can repair notebook screen display become blue or red or troubleshoot line on laptop screen.

How to troubleshoot LCD Horizontal line moving problem and display screen flickers.

1) Check display LCD cable and find any cut or tear wire of display LCD. Make re-connection, join copper wire and bind with insulation tape.
2) Remove any exposed or cable.
3) Replace display screen cable.
4) troubleshoot LCD gate driver panel. You can troubleshoot TV display problem also. 
It can fix LED display screen lines of death. You can troubleshoot vertical line on screen.

Now also read spilled Water on laptop. This post explain how to open and replace notebook LCD and repair notebook LCD.