Basic Laptop Troubleshooting

Laptop Troubleshooting Guide and How to start laptop repair.

This web page is about Laptop Troubleshooting guide. In other post you will find practical hand on about laptop troubleshooting. Here is basic laptop troubleshooting steps to collect the information to troubleshoot notebook problem. Here are the steps for how to open a laptop and laptop LCD repair. These steps help to find cause of laptop problem. It assist to solve laptop problem like overheating, hang, working slow etc.

Steps and technique for laptop troubleshooting.

Step 1: Overview of laptop problem troubleshooting.

It is helpful to be acquainted with laptop maintenance issues, including troubleshooting techniques. Proper troubleshooting will help your laptop recovers quickly from problems and can lesson the amount of work you need to do. This tutorial contains helpful information for laptop troubleshooting needs.

Step 2: Go to the Root Cause of problem.

Tracing the root cause of a laptop problem is a mandatory requirement for troubleshooting. Do not take quick decision without understanding the whole issue. The cause you have pointed out may be another symptom of the problem.

Step 3: Look for Evidence.

You should carefully observe laptop problem to pick out some 'unusual' instances. These may prove to be the clues, which will guide you about actual problem for the trouble.

Step 4: collect the information relate to laptop problem.

Right click 'My Computer', and select 'Properties'. The System Properties page will be displayed. There will be three tabs. Under the 'General' tab, you will have the operating system, processor, and RAM information. Under the 'Performance' tab, you will find system resources. Under the 'Device Manager' tab, you will find laptop's hardware information. This help technician to fix laptop problem. This important laptop details hep you to trace out cause of laptop problem heating, hanging, screen flicker, battery probs.

Step 5: Process of Elimination.

Elimination is one of the most efficient methods of laptop and notebook troubleshooting because it helps in tracing the most probable cause. Always review each piece of information, you have gathered about your laptop's hardware and software in a step-by-step fashion when evaluating any issue. It will help you keep track of what could and could not be causing laptop problem, and it will help you to get to the heart of the issue. It can solve laptop problem.

Above information can pin out actual reason for laptop problem and it can fix laptop issue during troubleshooting.