Laptop LCD Repair

Laptop LCD Repair.

It is common problem that laptop LCD is not working. For Laptop LCD Repair and troubleshooting, first learn how to replace laptop LCD. In the course of laptop display troubleshooting below are the important hardware to rectify.

1)  VGA port. VGA full form is Video Graphics Array. It has normally 15 pin port.

2) Lid close switch.

3) screen Inverter board.

4) Backlight lamp.

5) Reed sensor or Hall sensor.

6) LCD display PCB Circuit board. Check all these component to repair laptop LCD. Hand on this methods make comfortable to troubleshoot laptop display screen.

7) Laptop graphics card.

8) LCD controller board.

Procedure for Laptop Display troubleshooting. 

Step 1.  Check whether video display card working properly or not. 

How to troubleshoot laptop display Card.

To check laptop display card is working, connect external monitor to the VGA port normally back side of laptop. If you get clear image that mean graphics video card is working properly and problem is with laptop LCD screen.

There are two possibility either LCD screen completely out of order or it may working but very very dull. Display screen is getting perfect data from video card but there is still problem with LCD and most probably problem with backlight lamp. Laptop LCD replacement is final option if display screen is completely out of order.

Step 2. From this you can guess that problem related to faulty inverter board, back light lamp or lid switch. Troubleshoot LCD inverter board, backlight and Lid switch one by one.

How to repair laptop display very dark or dim.

LID close switch is a small button which triggers sleep mode or hibernation when screen is closed. Lid switch located near LCD screen.Make sure the lid switch moves freely. If lid close switch is dirty then it might get stuck. It cut power from inverter board. Display inverter board works as power supply for backlight lamp. If there is no power, the backlight lamp will not light up and LCD display screen very very dark or dull.

Laptop Lcd Repair

How to repair LCD screen inverter board and backlight lamp.

Step 3. LID switch is working properly and it did not stuck. Then problem may be with inverter board or backlight lamp. Press lid button very fast and check LCD light up for sometime or not. If it light up then also check image is clear or pinkish or other color as shown in image(I mean image is crystal clear or not).

  Step 4. You get pinkish image that means inverter board working properly. But problem is with backlight lamp. To troubleshoot in details, you can check the laptop with another invertor board. With another inverter board laptop is not working properly. You can judge that problem is with backlight lamp. It conclude to replace backlight lamp with another backlight lamp and laptop will work properly.
Laptop Lcd Replacement
Troubleshoot Laptop Lcd

Laptop Lcd Problems

How to replace laptop LCD screen.

Here is another post for Laptop Screen Troubleshooting for backlight failure. Combine two post will guide you about how to replace laptop LCD. Find detail steps for screen replacement on my web page about how to assemble and disassemble laptop. LCD screen replacement, first disassemble display screen and then assemble it with new LCD.